Prevention and Regulatory Solutions Ltd provides professional consulting services in regulatory compliance and prevention for health and safety matters. Founded in 2007, it has grown to be the company of choice for numerous progressive organizations who require periodic or on-going compliance support.
... goes above and beyond to ensure that he meets the customer needs and provides a detailed report of his findings...
...has been instrumental in developing H&S policies and procedures, and instilling a culture of safety first at our facility...
...brought a wealth of knowledge and understanding, and executed his role exceptionally while interacting with the many trades in a professional and congenial way...
... possesses all the necessary credentials and real-word experience to ensure a cost-effective solution to any issue...
...dedicated to delivering a result that is fully compliant and safe yet also fits into the processes of your plant...
... help us with our annual government reporting...
The process is seamless and timely with professional, experienced
staff. One less thing I have to worry about each year... very thorough and appropriately meticulous, and ensures to involve all key subject matter experts of a process to capture all production scenarios and potential hazards...